Update or ask about your application: Check your application status

Update or ask about your application: Check your application status

Who are you? (required)
Error: This field is required.

Tell us about yourself (as the representative)

We’ll only share information with you if the principal applicant has authorized you to get information about their application. There must be one of these forms on file, naming you as a representative: If there isn’t, you must submit one of these forms with your request.
Use this format: xxxxxx@example.com
Type your email address again, you can’t copy and paste it. Make sure your email address is the same as above.

Tell us about yourself (as the person helping the principal applicant)

We'll only share information with you if the principal applicant has authorized you to get information about their application.

If you aren’t an authorized representative, we can’t respond to you. We only respond to the principal applicant.

There must be one of these forms on file, naming you as a representative: If there isn’t, you must submit one of these forms with your request.
Use this format: xxxxxx@example.com
Type your email address again, you can’t copy and paste it. Make sure your email address is the same as above.
Date of birth
Telephone number

Tell us about the principal applicant

Use this format: xxxxxx@example.com
Type your email address again, you can’t copy and paste it. Make sure your email address is the same as above.
Date of birth

Fill in only 1 of these 3 fields – application number, Unique Client Identifier (UCI), or passport number

Fill in only 1 of these 3 fields – application number, Unique Client Identifier (UCI), or passport number

Fill in only 1 of these 3 fields – application number, Unique Client Identifier (UCI), or passport number

How did you submit your application? (required)

Tell us about your request

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The maximum file size for each file is 2 MB. If a file is bigger than 2 MB, you need to reduce the size of your file. If you upload more than 1 file, the total maximum file size is 3.5 MB.

We accept these file formats:

  • PDF (portable document)
  • JPG, TIFF or PNG (image)
  • DOC or DOCX (Microsoft Word document)

Upload document – Document isn’t an accepted format.

Upload document – Document size can’t be larger than 2 MB.

Upload document – Size of total documents can’t be larger than 3.5 MB.

Consent and disclaimer (required)

By providing your email address, you’re consenting to IRCC's use of the contact information provided above, for the sole purpose of responding to your feedback. By supplying your email address to IRCC, you also understand that this channel may not be secure.

IRCC is not liable for the electronic disclosure of personal information to a third party where IRCC has taken reasonable means to ensure the identity of the party. IRCC is also not liable for the misuse of this information by a third party.

Review your request before you submit it

We used the information you entered to create an email that will be sent with your request. Review all the information to make sure it’s accurate. You can change your responses before you submit it.


Please be advised that information submitted is considered "Protected B"

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