Report a technical problem: Linking my application to my account
Report a technical problem: Linking my application to my account
What’s your Unique Client Identifier (UCI) number?
Your Client ID Number, also known as a Unique Client Identifier (UCI), can be found on any official document we sent to you.
If you’ve never dealt with us before, you won’t have a UCI. If you don’t have a UCI, leave the field blank.
If this request is about a dependent child, use the principal applicant’s (the parent’s) UCI.
What’s your application number?
You can find your application number on any official document or correspondence we sent you. This number is not the same thing as your client ID number (unique client identifier [UCI]).
If your request is about a dependent child, please use the principal applicant's (that is, the parent's) "Application ID number".
Make sure the application number you entered matches the format for the program you applied to.
- Temporary residence (visitors, students and workers): The number must be 10 characters long and begin with a letter.
Permanent residence:
- Economic, Non-economic and non-provincial nominee programs: The number must be 10 characters long and begin with a letter.
- Provincial nominee programs: The number must be 10 characters long and begin with "EP".
- Refugees: The number must be 10 characters long and begin with a letter.
Citizenship: The number can be 7 numbers or 10 alphanumeric characters depending on when you applied.
If it is 10 characters it will be 1 or 2 letters followed by 8 or 9 numbers respectively; for a total of 10 characters.
For example, for a Grant application, C000000000 or 0000000; an Adoption C000000000 or 0000000; a Proof application, PR00000000 or 0000000; a Search SR00000000 or 0000000; or a Renunciation application RN00000000 or 000000.
If it is 10 characters it will be 1 or 2 letters followed by 8 or 9 numbers respectively; for a total of 10 characters.
- Verification of status: The number must be 10 characters long and begin with "SV".
- Certificate of identity: The number must be 10 characters long and contain only numerals (no letters).